Our Work

We work with rural community members and girls in Kogi State Nigeria to mitigate the disadvantages that hinder girls from accessing education. Our programs include school sponsorships, mentorship programs, workshops and interventions to help girls gain the skills they need to succeed. We also provide training and resources to teachers, to ensure that girls are given the best education possible. We work to build awareness in communities about the importance of girls' education, and to advocate for girls' rights to access quality education.

Our Projects

Pad the Girl-Child Campaign

EMTAG Foundation through the little resources at her disposal has carried out online and offline grassroots projects that have reached over 300 girls and young women in Kogi State. Notable amongst them is the ‘Pad a Girl Child’ campaign carried out in 2021. 

EMTAG Foundation through an online fundraiser canvassed for sanitary material intervention for rural girls. This enabled the menstrual hygiene sensitization and sanitary pad intervention held in a rural community in Okpo, Olamaboro Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria. The interaction with young schoolgirls during this session affirmed how issues of menstruation are, till now, a barrier to the school attendance of young girls during their menstruation. Major issues here include stigmatization from their male counterparts, inadequate information on hygiene and sanitation, and inadequate information on the use of menstrual hygiene materials. These were areas toward which the EMTAG Foundation team tailored enlightenment. This campaign, which reached over 30 girls, did not just provide sensitization, but also free sanitary products. It amassed great results, as girls who had never seen a sanitary pad before could appropriately identify, fix a sanitary pad, and gained enormous information about their bodies. These projects enormously contribute to bettering the lives of women and girls in the local communities in Kogi State.

Effectively Approaching the Gender Discourse in the 21st Century

To ameliorate the socio-cultural barriers, in January 2021, EMTAG Foundation’s online activity tagged “Effectively Approaching the Gender Discourse in the 21st Century” was targeted at her volunteers and the general public. The sensitization featured a robust interaction on contemporary strategies stakeholders in girl-child development such as NGOs, social institutions and parents could take to eliminate all barriers facing the girl child’s equal access to all spheres of life including education. 

7 Days of Activism on Teenage Pregnancy

 7 Days of Activism on Teenage Pregnancy

In February 2021, EMTAG Foundation carried out a 7 days activism on teenage pregnancy. Targeted at young girl-children and invariably the boys, the sensitization dwelt on sex education. This was partly to address unplanned pregnancy which is one of the major barriers to uninterrupted education for the girl-child. 

Domestic Violence

In March 2021, a sensitization programme on Domestic Violence, Parenting, and early/forced marriage was facilitated by EMTAG Foundation. The aim of this session was to, among other things, enlighten parents on the physical and psychological effects of domestic violence on their children, the vulnerability of young girls who are forced into early marriage to violence, and ultimately how these could affect the social, psychological and consequently, educational development of their children. Significantly, the role of education for girl-children was a recurring theme in this session.