Who We Are

Empowering the African Girl-child Foundation is a women and youth-led non-profit organization dedicated to empowering young women in underserved communities by providing them with the necessary resources to pursue a quality education. We believe that education is the key to success and that every young woman deserves the chance to pursue her dreams. Through our programs, we strive to create a more equitable world, where women are empowered to take charge of their own futures. The organization, founded in 2019, brings together brilliant, passionate young Nigerians who see the plights caused by gender inequality and decide to take action that will change the status quo.

What We Do

At Empowering the African Girl-child Foundation, we are focused on providing young women in underserved communities with the necessary resources and support to access quality education. Through our programs and initiatives, we offer mentorship, educational scholarships, vocational training, and community outreach to empower young women to pursue their dreams and become leaders in their communities. We believe that education is the key to unlocking the potential of every girl-child and are dedicated to creating a more equitable world where all young women have the opportunity to thrive.


Our Mission

Our Mission is to uplift and empower young women in underserved communities across Nigeria by equipping them with the tools, resources, and support necessary to access quality education. We are dedicated to breaking the barriers of gender inequality and fostering a future where every girl-child has the opportunity to thrive and shape her own destiny.


Our Vision

Our vision is a world where every Nigerian girl-child has the opportunity to fulfil her potential through education, regardless of her socioeconomic background. We envision a future where gender equality is the norm, and young women are empowered to become catalysts for positive change in their societies.